Updated 4 days ago
Published 13 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS, Linux
AuthorTET Studios
GenreSurvival, Shooter
Tags2D, Space


CosmicInvadersSetup1.0.0 (1).exe 47 MB
CosmicInvaders-1.0.0.dmg 62 MB
CosmicInvaders-1.0.0 (1).AppImage 69 MB

Development log


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It can be happen that you will randomly die. Thats because the Rock sometimes spawns in the player, but don’t worry I’m fixing this. Another bug is that sometimes the Rocks will not be destroyed. If this happens try to destroy the other rocks. If this don’t help either reload the Game. I’m always open to improvement ideas. Have Fun :D